- lexi -: sara temple | Lhasa
- lexi -: Putala palace |Lhasa
- lexi -: bling
- lexi -: The Commander
- lexi -: Kissing
- lexi -: Goodness Loves The World
- lexi -: Rushing In A Raining Night
- lexi -: Line in the water
- lexi -: Child in the city.
- lexi -: Notice
- lexi -: nap on the subway
- lexi -: tired woman
- lexi -: shadow girl
- lexi -: sleepy boy
- lexi -: thinking under the light
- lexi -: dance for advertisement
- lexi -: the night of Huizhou
- lexi -: spirit
- lexi -: hey?
- lexi -: good night Huizhou
- lexi -: final sprint
- lexi -: ecpect
- lexi -: up and down
- lexi -: @filson
- lexi -: 学府房从娃娃抓起
- lexi -: mirror
- lexi -: 9 days left to the final exam
- lexi -: Gift?
- lexi -: life is ..
- lexi -: dear grandma