Gertraud-Magdalena: 2008 08 07 Stummfliege auf blühender Minze
°°*ROSA*°°: Terra mia... dall'alto 2°
klausthebest: Clouds toward Monterosso
on the other side of the camera: The Ladies' and Gentlemen's Club of the Minutes Between Midnight and the Witching Hour
*kiwikiss: the whisper
acastleblue: Screen lights...
Gertraud-Magdalena: 2008 08 07 Stubenfliege
Gertraud-Magdalena: 2008 08 08 Sommervorhang
my4otos: "The White Picket Fence"
Roel Wijnants: Der Ring des Nibelungen
Roel Wijnants: Harbour light
My Baby Mia: can I ever forget your tears?
My Baby Mia: the Voices I Hear
Hoosierguy Jeff: Clara and Carter
amiMaija (Anne Brown Photography): Had to drive 2 1/2 hours to KC
FLS Gallery: In The Gallery
FLS Gallery: "The News Is Good"
FLS Gallery: In The Gallery
:: EdUaRdO65 ::: Magnificent
nautee_nic: Disney World Florida
Trader Doc: Good Night FlickR...8/8/8
°°*ROSA*°°: Affresco 1 nelle chiesa di San Bernardo XVII sec.
Iván Utz: Guayaquil - Catedral - Vista Nocturna 01
Itzick: The warning (2402 - 5)
Kitty & Kal-El: Candy, candy, candy...
NTLam: White Chrysanthemum
lobices: Ziro ol013
***Carmem***: Violet