just_jeanette: The view from Le Rooftop at @generatorhostels of Sacre Coeur #Paris.
just_jeanette: Sunset on the Seine #Paris
just_jeanette: Le Pas Sage #Paris
just_jeanette: Tati, practically a #Paris monument. As seen from Metro Barbes.
just_jeanette: #Paris #Antiques Markets
just_jeanette: Meanwhile back in #Paris...
just_jeanette: A wonderful series of photos to discover in the streets of Paris #backtothestreet #paris #igersparis #paris9 #parisjetaime #streetart #streets #urbanlife #urban #art #photography
just_jeanette: Good-bye to the big Alberta skies and my beautiful family and friends. À bientôt. Next stop Paris!
just_jeanette: Oh #Canada
just_jeanette: Good to be home.
just_jeanette: Good morning from #Vancouver where, after living in #Paris, everything seems so shiny and new! It's good to be home!
just_jeanette: This is the Burrard Inlet, the beautiful edge of a continent in #BritishColumbia #Canada and waters which we are trying to protect from further pipeline development and increased tanker traffic. View from #BurnabyMountain. #NoPipelines
just_jeanette: This is the Christmas tree gifted by Russia to Cathedral Notre Dame in #Paris. Long story short apparently the church is broke and couldn’t afford a tree this year so Russia jumped at the chance to buy it and try to resolve a warship deal with France. A
just_jeanette: A quick stop in #Berlin to see some friends from Canada, of course!
just_jeanette: This is #Poznan #Poland . 💙
just_jeanette: This is the Church of St. Stanislaus the Bishop, often referred to as the Parish Church located in the old city centre of #Poznan #Poland. It is #renowned as one of the most exquisite examples of Baroque architecture in the country. It is also one of the
just_jeanette: Today a walk in #Enkhuizen, one of my favourite places in the #Netherlands for all the good memories it holds.
just_jeanette: blvd. de la Villette #Paris
just_jeanette: blvd. de la Villette
just_jeanette: Paris Plages, sur la Seine
just_jeanette: la Seine
just_jeanette: Le Voltaire, St Ouen
just_jeanette: La rue Poulet
just_jeanette: la rue Sainte-Anne
just_jeanette: harvest vegetables
just_jeanette: Van Gogh's Garden
just_jeanette: Marius Fabre Soap
just_jeanette: Passage de l'Ancre, Paris