Terry Aldhizer: Saturday Evening Twilight Roanoke Sunset
meeeeeeeeeel: swaziland
Xenedis: Cellar 20
Nuno Xavier Moreira: "Borboleta", Zebra blue (Leptotes pirithous)
Nuno Xavier Moreira: Ouriço-cacheiro, European Hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) - em Liberdade [WildLife]
Nuno Xavier Moreira: Libélula escarlate, Scarlet Dragonfly(Crocothemis erythraea) - em Liberdade [WildLife]
jjrestrepoa (busy): Eumorpha vitis
meeeeeeeeeel: beautiful Pretoria
tall_dude: Badger Box, Annesley
ruslou (More off than on): Operating in first gear
philra08 - over 3,000,000 views!: Poppy looking after Lucy
zeesstof: Red River
tall_dude: London 001
tall_dude: Earl of Mount Edgecumbe
Xenedis: Dawn on Mount Mee
neandercol: Splash
chrisLgodden: Ocean Dream
tall_dude: Southwell Minster
Brandon Bored: DSCN2192
bambusabird: Yellow-browed Tit / นกติ๊ตคิ้วเหลือง
chrisLgodden: DSCF7035
zeesstof: Lake Moomaw, VA
Brian E Kushner: Palmyra Cove
Phill Gowen.: Autumn Sun.
antelope reflection: Lavender Reflections
emphotos103: Lily in Love
awildernessgirl: Colonial Williamsburg
Zalacain: Valencia at night from the Albufera
notnA: untitled