melissann: When you get to the Target Dollar Spot before everyone else.
BeeSroe: Non-Planner Datebook
Wreck this Girl: nature emulator
blackeyedcrow: 1120071205
Hanifah ★: the pocket scavenger
starrdesign: thanks mom!
Hanifah ★: time to create
~ Sandy ~: I didn't know I can...
eklektick: WTJ Collect the stamps off of all your mail
eklektick: WTJ Write a List of More Ways to Wreck This Journal
sextingwithsirens: Keri Smith
Hannhell: A used tea bag
eklektick: WTJ Make a MESS
srgpicker: Ferris wheel on a cloudy morning
Fabi Sehnem: É muito ♡
noseinabook-: Nerdiness
wild goose chase: a sea of books
imakeitcute: I created a new banner for my blog :)
Alessandro Merlo: Submarine
Kirsten Marie Hutton: Is there enough room on your feed for one more "Happy birthday, Walt" post?
ATLITW: this year's tree
yayitscarolyn: 'Sorry for killing the cat (132/365)
thinkspace_gallery: Timothy Karpinski's piece in progress for 'Wild At Heart II' with Thinkspace at this October's BEYOND EDEN multi-gallery event
Scorpions and Centaurs: Doctor Who books bonanza