pigeonroofknits: Oh what a tidy and glamorous studio I have.....not. Functional though. Just tiny. #thestudio #studiosnapshots #pigeonroofstudios #pigeonroof
osloann: Sleeves
Jane Dallaway: In situ: flat cushion inner
Jane Dallaway: On the loom
lovelaughquilter: table runner
Martin_Heigan: The wildflowers of Namaqualand
byathinthread: Scallop Laurel Front
daniel ab 2007: cendrawasih in flight
זיידע‎ ישעיה טשערויין: Honolulu Zoo, Bird of Paradise 15-1 11x14 bp
Birdman of Brownsville: Cnemophilus macgregorii
EricBronson's Photography: IMG_9324 Lesser Bird of Paradise (F)
eyecatcher: Frankie
Martin_Heigan: African Bushveld Sunset
rjrahardjo: handspun evenstar shawl
juliezryan: Xmas gift: thrifted knitting needle case
waldorf mama: wip wednesday :: big knitting needle case
Laurraine Yuyama: Leaf Potholders & Coasters
nuttnbunny: Knit - Blaze 1
ken mccown: Breathtaking in Scope
spinalatte: fireside | merino/silk/yak
spinalatte: lovesick | falkland
spinalatte: satori | mixed bfl
spinalatte: sakura | white english shetland
spinalatte: Fireside | Merino/Yak/Silk
spinalatte: Buona Sera | Organic Merino
eyecatcher: Postcard from Venice
twoifbyhand: Personality Crisis