Matt The Modulator: E&MM_HM_Inside
Miloco Studios: The Square
toddsines: tall rack
firegroove: Moog_12s_Phaser_PG_a16
firegroove: Moog_12s_Phaser_PG_a09
max_1975: Main Rack
stillnovo: Ibanez ue 400
SMS303: SMS303 Tantek Tanrak (8 module Modular FX) FX-01
the HPB: Buchla Modular Synthesizer
the HPB: Buchla Modular Synthesizer
toddsines: wide rack on floor
MATRIXSYNTH: ARP Hexaphonic Guitar Pickup
bandersen: Wavetek 183: Insides
TheFallenIndustries: Function Generator
bandersen: Wavetek 183: My new (1978) function generator
animakitty: Mendelson's electronics
d76: Function Generator
thorenm1: function_generator
In Memoriam: jerryfi_99: Heathkit IO-103 O'Scope
In Memoriam: jerryfi_99: Some Heathkits
In Memoriam: jerryfi_99: Sig Gens & Sweepers
laubtier: BSA-side view
Dancing Weapon of Mass Destruction: My Custom Bilenky 'Hetchins Tribute' Track Bike
Mark Gell: BSA fixed wheel from the 30's..
laubtier: Czech Path Racer - Brampton (BSA pattern) lugs