americancreek: Caterpillar on Gasconade River 10 2011 013
myriorama: sawfly larva
BJSmit: Roman mosaic @ Empúries
myriorama: fiery searcher
myriorama: starbellied orbweaver
Dougeee: Arachtober 31
BJSmit: Common Bluebottle caterpillar (Graphium sarpedon)
myriorama: two days later
NatureNM: Veined Ctenucha caterpiller
Dougeee: Fly Day Friday
GORGEous nature: Drepana arcuata 20100709_1613
myriorama: camphorweed cucullia
myriorama: slug caterpillar
GORGEous nature: barge in a hurry 20100531_3998
bayucca: Bayucca, desperately seeking ID!
Mean and Pinchy: Happy Fourth! :)
Spoon 99: Repertoire
tn_critterman: Elm Calligrapha Beetle
GORGEous nature: Old oak snag 20090327_1409
myriorama: caterpillar stick
Mean and Pinchy: The Asteroid
Danburg Murmur: Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial
Brian V. Rowe: Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial
myriorama: crab spider
myriorama: caterpillar & parasites
Native Orchids: Antheraea polyphemus
Lord V: Time to go
myriorama: grass skipper
Stylurus: owl and owlet