jumahl: Not Another Finch Already...
jumahl: Flicker on Flickr
jumahl: Is it over yet?
jumahl: Brrruther, it's cold outside!
jumahl: WTS
jumahl: That Tail Needs Some Re-upholstry...
jumahl: IMG_5182
jumahl: IMG_5189
jumahl: IMG_5193
jumahl: Distant Juve Red Tail
jumahl: Ovoid Sparrow
jumahl: Makin' Wood Chips
jumahl: OK, I'm Listening...
jumahl: I Heard That...
jumahl: Gotta Go...
jumahl: IMG_5289
jumahl: A Pause In Pillaging The Suet...
jumahl: Indignant...
jumahl: Newcomer
jumahl: Beautiful Plain Jane
jumahl: Incredulous...
jumahl: Three Views
jumahl: IMG_5495
jumahl: IMG_5500
jumahl: Vigilent Eye
jumahl: IMG_5292
jumahl: IMG_5261
jumahl: Filtered Sunlight...
jumahl: IMG_5585
jumahl: IMG_5584