juliclaire: Buttercup from above
juliclaire: Variable Checkerspot caterpillar on California beeplant close up
juliclaire: Mott Peak Trail view with poppies
juliclaire: Poppies and lupines on hillside oak background
juliclaire: Pileated Woodpecker facing away full frame
juliclaire: Skipper on berry leaf
juliclaire: Skipper drinking from berry flower angled
juliclaire: Nashville Warbler Mitchell Canyon Mt Diablo
juliclaire: Burrowing Owl # 3 Clifton Court Forebay
juliclaire: Burrowing Owls digiscope
juliclaire: Where's Waldo?
juliclaire: Acorn Woodpecker Black Diamond Mines
juliclaire: Lark Sparrow digiscope Black Diamond Mines
juliclaire: American Redstart preening
juliclaire: Bullfrog in canal
juliclaire: Cabbage White female wings partially open
juliclaire: Flame Skimmer female perched in tree abdomen down
juliclaire: Flame Skimmer female perched in tree abdomen up