juliclaire: Whinchat in grassland
juliclaire: Red-backed Shrike juvenile in berry bush
juliclaire: Zone-tailed with flowering scrub
juliclaire: Zone-tailed showing undertail pattern
juliclaire: Beautiful Belding's Yellowthroat male right profile
juliclaire: Beautiful Belding's Yellowthroat male left profile
juliclaire: Pelicans in the surf
juliclaire: Snowly Plover running
juliclaire: Gulf Fritillary?
juliclaire: Caracara approaching a meal
juliclaire: Caracara take-off
juliclaire: One too many at lunch
juliclaire: Ruddy Ground-Dove on rock wall
juliclaire: Sandhill Cranes at evening roost
juliclaire: Sandhill Crane fly-in
juliclaire: You lookin' at me?
juliclaire: Snack time
juliclaire: River Otter sand play
juliclaire: River otter sand chase
juliclaire: Preening and chilling
juliclaire: Mid-play pause
juliclaire: Lapland Longspur about to bathe
juliclaire: Cozy in the sand
juliclaire: Chestnut-collared Longspur right profile
juliclaire: Chestnut-collared Longspur looking alert
juliclaire: Chestnut-collared Longspur crouching in a foggy field
juliclaire: Chesnut-collared and Lapland Longspurs foraging together
juliclaire: Flame Skimmer female perched in tree abdomen up
juliclaire: Flame Skimmer female perched in tree abdomen down
juliclaire: Cabbage White female wings partially open