juliclaire: Black-and-white Warbler with prey
juliclaire: Black-and-white Warbler on tree trunk full rear view
juliclaire: Red-breasted Sapsucker perched with fresh sapwells
juliclaire: Red-breasted Sapsucker perched with branches
juliclaire: Red-breasted Sapsucker in action 2
juliclaire: Red-breasted Sapsucker in action 1
juliclaire: Summer Tanager red morph female left profile facing
juliclaire: Summer Tanager red morph female crown view looking down
juliclaire: Summer Tanager red morph female bill open
juliclaire: Burrowing Parakeet staring
juliclaire: Burrowing Parakeet small flock on power pole
juliclaire: Burrowing Parakeet preens askance
juliclaire: Burrowing Parakeet looks askance
juliclaire: Townsend's Warbler in fennel right profile
juliclaire: Townsend's Warbler foraging in fennel right profile
juliclaire: Townsend's Warbler foraging in fennel facing looking up
juliclaire: Lucy's Warbler left profile facing in fennel
juliclaire: Lucy's Warbler face down and looking out from fennel
juliclaire: Whinchat in grassland
juliclaire: Red-backed Shrike juvenile in berry bush
juliclaire: Zone-tailed with flowering scrub
juliclaire: Zone-tailed showing undertail pattern
juliclaire: Beautiful Belding's Yellowthroat male right profile
juliclaire: Beautiful Belding's Yellowthroat male left profile
juliclaire: Pelicans in the surf
juliclaire: Snowly Plover running
juliclaire: Gulf Fritillary?
juliclaire: Caracara approaching a meal
juliclaire: Caracara take-off
juliclaire: One too many at lunch