juliclaire: White-faced Ibis on nest with green egg
juliclaire: Surveying Lake Tahoe on a windy day
juliclaire: Lake Tahoe on a windy day
juliclaire: Me and Lake Tahoe (1)
juliclaire: Common Merganser mom with chicks 1
juliclaire: Chickaree eating mushroom
juliclaire: Homewood ski slope in summer
juliclaire: Lily Lake El Dorado County (1)
juliclaire: Lily Lake El Dorado County (2)
juliclaire: Persius Duskywing (Erynnis persius)
juliclaire: Snowplant (Sarcodes sanguinea)
juliclaire: Spring Azure Complex (Celastina sp.) closer less focused
juliclaire: Mountain Pride (Penstemon newberryi) flower top down