juliclaire: Red-breasted Sapsucker perched with branches
juliclaire: Red-breasted Sapsucker in action 2
juliclaire: Red-breasted Sapsucker in action 1
juliclaire: Red-breasted Sapsucker perched with fresh sapwells
juliclaire: Black-and-white Warbler on tree trunk full rear view
juliclaire: Black-and-white Warbler with prey
juliclaire: Turkey Vulture perched
juliclaire: Lemon balm blooming close up blurry flower
juliclaire: Lemon balm blooming
juliclaire: Yellow-faced Bumble Bee on teasel right profile
juliclaire: Pentagramma species dried leaves close up
juliclaire: Funnel weaver spider on web under leaf
juliclaire: Ochlodes species in leaf litter right profile
juliclaire: Orange fly on cramp ball
juliclaire: Western Tiger Swallowtail ragged wings in bay tree
juliclaire: Spotted Towhee eating blue elderberry front
juliclaire: Spotted Towhee eating blue elderberry front right profile
juliclaire: Fallen leaf bouquet
juliclaire: White Italian Snail one on thistle
juliclaire: White Italian Snail three on thistle
juliclaire: Yellow Star-Thistle bud close up
juliclaire: Yellow Star-Thistle flower cluser
juliclaire: Cooper's Hawk adult perched close-up
juliclaire: Sunrise at Alameda Creek Staging Area
juliclaire: Lorquin's Admiral (Limenitis lorquini) wings mostly closed
juliclaire: Lorquin's Admiral (Limenitis lorquini) wings nearly closed
juliclaire: Pileated Woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus) male at nest cavity profile
juliclaire: Pileated Woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus) male at nest cavity rear view full length
juliclaire: Pileated Woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus) male excavating nest cavity blurry action shot
juliclaire: Pileated Woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus) male at nest cavity rear view close up