JulianBleecker: Arriving in Chicago. I hope.
JulianBleecker: The line for the ordering.
JulianBleecker: Chicago at like..5 in the morning.
JulianBleecker: The airport. Florida. It's early. I've just red-eyed from shooting all day in San Diego. I'm sort zombie-y. And there's a huge dude walking around out there.
JulianBleecker: Kona. Old school. Big terrain and lots of concrete from across the generations. Rough gravel to sorta smooth.
JulianBleecker: Early practice
JulianBleecker: The groms
JulianBleecker: Matt assessing
JulianBleecker: The thumbs up.
JulianBleecker: The medal thing.
JulianBleecker: Masters looking on.
JulianBleecker: The crew.
JulianBleecker: Zsarnay posse
JulianBleecker: Daniel! Legit Pro. First from Dominican Republic.
JulianBleecker: The war story. Chris goring up the war story about the tendon he just accidentally sawed through. Eech..Good guy.
JulianBleecker: Well..finally decided that it'd be easier to take photos of photographerslooongggarmssss not using viewfinders seeing as they end up in their own shots anywaaaaayyyyy..I Am rueingthedaygodinventedthefisheeeyyyyeeeeleeenssss.
JulianBleecker: The photographerraaashottttguuuunnnnnfrrroooommmthehiipppviewfindersareforpeoplewhouseseatbelts..ggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
JulianBleecker: Bones boys
JulianBleecker: The front smith
JulianBleecker: The boneless
JulianBleecker: The holding breath.
JulianBleecker: The photographer..err..video guy..err..um..the guy not sure what he wants to be.
JulianBleecker: The working it out. Photographers using their viewfinders.
JulianBleecker: Even if you shoot fish-y it's okay to compose a bit. Or, maybe I'm being old-fashioned.
JulianBleecker: More air.
JulianBleecker: It'll end up okay.
JulianBleecker: Classic. Sky Siljeg. Hellzalongboardsliiiideee.