Medialab Matadero: Grupo de trabajo de Repair Café - Diciembre 2024
d_&_r: The calm before the (workshop) storm
d_&_r: Yulan, NY
gruntzooki: Lina Khan's future is the future of the Democratic Party - and America IMG_3654 IMG_3653
gruntzooki: The Cult of Mac
gruntzooki: Wellness surveillance makes workers unwell
d_&_r: Ashokan High Point, NY after freezing rain
d_&_r: Ashokan High Point, NY after freezing rain
d_&_r: Ashokan High Point, NY after freezing rain
brucesflickr: Specialty cocktails
brucesflickr: Nice one with the brain there
brucesflickr: Imagine Harder
brucesflickr: Design fiction
brucesflickr: The Versificator blows a fuse and gushes dry-ice smoke
brucesflickr: Levi fantascienza collection
brucesflickr: "The Versificatore" is a black and white television show
d_&_r: “A painting of a quantum computer in ‘The Garden of Earthly Delights’ by Hieronymus Bosch.”
d_&_r: Another object for our ongoing archive of impossible objects (WiP)
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL): Livermore Advanced Research Computer (LARC)