JulianBleecker: Bicycle's going in so Rhys can swap out the single speed kit.
JulianBleecker: Neighbor decides to spray paint car parking zone indicators. Fantastically anal. Rough plan is to, on occasion, muck up the system ever so slightly.
JulianBleecker: The weeds are as lovely as they are tall in the morning sunlight.
JulianBleecker: Tourists. Probably Brits. Fresh from LAX, no doubt. No one really drives brand new "catch me" red Dodge Challengers.
JulianBleecker: The climb up Topanga Canyon slows for a delivery truck.
JulianBleecker: Will comes for lunch. He and Rhys talk bicycles.
JulianBleecker: I beer myself for lunch. Tacos. We manage to avoid the FIreman rush at the counter and get our order in before theirs. Will and Rhys continue to talk bicycles.
JulianBleecker: Lance calls. Mini Ramp Session this afternoon. My proper sports photo gear, with me all week, is not today. I shoot manual focus, manual exposure with a 35mm f/2 lens. It's fine. Good practice. I use the viewfinder.
JulianBleecker: Shane rocks. Lance plays with Ollie, the German Shepherd.
JulianBleecker: Kyle hurts his shin. Can't put his weight on it.
JulianBleecker: Lance rips.
JulianBleecker: I don't have my sports kit and I'm working manual focus and just shooting manual exposure. It's fun. A different kind of shooting. Lock focus. 35mm focal length. Frame as best as I can.
JulianBleecker: Borland Brothers.
JulianBleecker: Shane's turned the music on. It says that she likes her bass down low. Uhn, Uhn, Uhn. And so on..
JulianBleecker: The music is still on.
JulianBleecker: Bob finds his line. Transitions are funky.
JulianBleecker: Lance works on getting big.
JulianBleecker: Frontside Br'er Rabbit.
JulianBleecker: Now its just fun.
JulianBleecker: Treehouse Mini Ramp
JulianBleecker: That's it. Sun's setting. Plus bad kitchen table tattoos.
JulianBleecker: What's next?
JulianBleecker: Jokes and stories. The usual.
JulianBleecker: That's it.