alisa miller:
white boxes
Engagement ring.
Mike's Brooch A Day 111/365
arthur hash:
photo 1
Claudia Correa Escuela de Joyería:
Handmade Cards for friends with Pen and Ink and Prismacolors
danielle embry:
mapping process brooch
Eva Ehmeier:
Tube Bead Necklace
Quercus Silver:
Deco "G"
nervous system:
cellular Earrings - white
The Jewelry Story:
New big silver rings!
Katie Carder Fine Jewelry:
Quercus Silver:
Project 5 suite 02
alisa miller:
black bontecou
Patricia Gallucci:
Collar Fuego controlado #2 /Necklace "Controlled fire #2"
Patricia Gallucci:
Anillo cuadrado Ébano
The Jewelry Story:
Ring Rising Sun
The Jewelry Story:
Ring Blue Eye
The Jewelry Story:
Walking the dogs under typical Dutch skies
The Jewelry Story:
Brooches 2011
The Jewelry Story:
A new brooch inspired by Azzedine Alaïa
The Jewelry Story:
Silver ring with opal
The Jewelry Story:
Big silver ring with amethyst
Museus Dalí:
Joia Ull del Temps. Dalí·Joies, Figueres
nervous system:
botryoid sketch
Beth Millner:
Custom Four Owl Locket
nervous system:
Katie Carder Fine Jewelry:
new cactus cross section earrings
arthur hash:
arthur hash:
More enamel