julapy: streams_fables_01a
julapy: streams_fables_02b
julapy: streams_fables_03a
julapy: streams_fables_04c
julapy: epr_fluid_01
julapy: epr_fluid_02
julapy: epr_fluid_03
julapy: pipelines_01
julapy: streams_150510_000843
julapy: streams_150509_212342
julapy: streams_150509_231643
julapy: streams_150510_012659
julapy: streams_150510_014611
julapy: streams up on the wall and in a pretty picture frame @ ADC for tonights opening.
julapy: CC_SYD July
julapy: streams_stipple
julapy: pipes
julapy: pipes
julapy: pipes
julapy: lightwave_datavis_01
julapy: lightwave_datavis_02
julapy: lightwave_datavis_03
julapy: ofxPoly2Tri does the job.
julapy: rect_stream
julapy: OF_SYD_flyer
julapy: drops
julapy: lic_cgal
julapy: HoloDecks Sound Sculpture @ Microwave / Hong Kong
julapy: HoloDecks Sound Sculpture @ Microwave / Hong Kong
julapy: prezies from cyberpunk santa @sutueatsflies.