Judilson: FB_IMG_1638681112289
Judilson: FB_IMG_1638713921321
Judilson: Good Morning!
Judilson: Rain bath
Judilson: Good Morning!
Judilson: Sunset at Cape Comerin
Judilson: sunset at Cape Comerin
Judilson: DSC_1384_edited-1
Judilson: My 5 AM friend! A farmer.
Judilson: May we all rise!
Judilson: Quiet Sunday Morning
Judilson: Golden Hour Love
Judilson: When God decides to light up man's creations!
Judilson: DSC_0183.NEF
Judilson: Kadubeesanahalli nights
Judilson: Sunset over the city
Judilson: Color! Ancient color - Saigon
Judilson: Soul Searching Souls
Judilson: And He Saved Us!
Judilson: Seeking the Divine in Saigon
Judilson: Bangkok Nights
Judilson: Sunshine
Judilson: Symmetry Divine
Judilson: Royal Purple
Judilson: God's Own
Judilson: and then they whisper...
Judilson: Music adds colour to life
Judilson: Two lives coming together to become as one
Judilson: The rituals that define us,our character
Judilson: Look,who awaits me inside