abbye dahl: night
abbye dahl: coast
runnah555: K52A9999
runnah555: K52A0876
runnah555: K52A0678
runnah555: K52A0752
runnah555: K52A0768a
terristahl: 20140308-DSC_0501
terristahl: 20140308-DSC_0524
terristahl: 20140308-DSC_0526
terristahl: 20140308-DSC_0528
terristahl: 20140308-DSC_0539
Mishele21: upload
Flashback'r: Even the matter that decays can be a source of life for some other thing; life days and life evolves; it isall but LIFE.....IMG_5587,sm
Flashback'r: Mind accepts and imposes upon itself some patterns to adhere to...IMG_9751
Flashback'r: How far you know yourself?....JPG 523
Flashback'r: Mind is a recycle bin, not a waste basket....IMG_5593,sm
Flashback'r: Sometimes Mother Nature blesses us with blissful ignorance....IMG_1932,sm
Flashback'r: You cannot collect water in your palm from a heavy fall; only a mind of inner strength can receive the deeper Wisdom...IMG_0829,edit,sm
Flashback'r: We cannot repair our past; so let us prepare for the,sm
Flashback'r: Honesty is the original nature of human beings; how far we are original?....IMG_1479,sm
Flashback'r: Universe is bound by Space and Time....Absolute is Eternal... IMG_1486.edit,sm
Flashback'r: A wrong step may risk the whole height of attainment....OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA
Flashback'r: IMG_9533,sm
Flashback'r: Family Matters....IMG_0904,edit,sm
Flashback'r: There is nothing "dead"; everything has life, is Life....IMG_5668,Normal,sm1
Flashback'r: Those who know many things, know nothing; those who know One Thing only, they know everything....IMG_5840,edit,sm
runnah555: horses2
runnah555: horses