Big Man, little cam:
Old Dragonfly
Big Man, little cam:
Love Bugs
Asked for some help with the Christmas lights, they delivered.
Jay Morales Photography:
D a y | Onehundred Eightyfive -- one light MONOCHROME {explore/interesting/2011/10/02/page43/ }
andy ramos photography:
final Strobist
Jay Morales Photography:
meet " L I Z Z Y | L I Z M A R " @ Villa
andy ramos photography:
Benjie the SkaterBoy
Jay Morales Photography:
D a y | Onehundred TwentyNine -- up+ledge+switch+crooks
Mr. Flibble:
585/730: One day, someone would surely bite...
•Yarizu•Nakamura •亞•力•斯•:
[ Lights & Hopes ]
•Yarizu•Nakamura •亞•力•斯•:
[ Cherry ]
Mr. Flibble:
407/730: The 47th colonic irrigation of the day didn't go according to plan...
Mr. Flibble:
398/730: The daily ice bath
Mr. Flibble:
575/730: The best medicine
andy ramos photography:
andy ramos photography:
the violence
Don't worry...........
David X. Tejada:
Ian's Smoke
magic trick
buttonheart / Chloe Price:
8:00 am
Kenny's Fab Lab:
Jay Morales Photography:
A Y U Z by Rico Blanco