Jude Marion:
Blue shovel
Jude Marion:
inflatable still life
Jude Marion:
A foggy Christmas night
Jude Marion:
Remembering that summer
Jude Marion:
Manni and reflection
Jude Marion:
Monarch still-life.
Jude Marion:
Paint it yellow
Jude Marion:
Anatomy cats Atlas & Axis
Jude Marion:
Jude Marion:
Jude Marion:
Red door, auto spkr
Jude Marion:
Fall leaves
Jude Marion:
Jude Marion:
Wish you were here!
Jude Marion:
Jude Marion:
Silhouetted against a setting sun.
Jude Marion:
Overcast and misty over the lake.
Jude Marion:
The artist I
Jude Marion:
The artist II
Jude Marion:
Pier 8 structure pano
Jude Marion:
Pier 8, Hamilton.
Jude Marion:
Our man on the Beach
Jude Marion:
The Beach
Jude Marion:
Window with mirrors
Jude Marion:
Shop window.
Jude Marion:
Black wall.
Jude Marion:
Veterans’ Place
Jude Marion:
Afternoon light
Jude Marion:
Off ramp