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albums of jubileenz
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Oct 2013 Ireland
Shanghai 2013
Death Valley 2013
和平飯店 Fairmont Peace Hotel Shanghai
人民公園相親角Speeddating_by_Parents_People's SQ
Hiking 2012
Taiwan 2012
GPA 100th b-day/Family reunion - 06/24/2012
Russia-Moscow Metro
Russia Day 5 - Goodbye Moscow
Russia Day 3,4 - Ana, Gorky Park, KGB, Tea house, River cruise
Russia Day 1,2-Red SQ, Kremlin, GUM
HK w/ sis 2012
Rafting-South and Middle fork on American River
Mei and Phil's wedding
Ivy Nightclub in SD
Ellen's baby shower 03/03/12
Rob's Tokyo Adventure
2011 Dec - SD
2012 CES
Tokyo Visit - Sept 2011
2011 SJ Japantown Festival
Taiwan visit 2011
Japantown Car Show
2011 SF Pride Parade
Family dinner and birthday
Gpa's 99th birthday - family reuion
College Reunion 2011
Random work pics
SJ Tech musuem with the Klines
2011 Dad's visit to bay area
2011 SF de Young museum visit
2010 Xmas vacation in SD
my farewell party
2010 the 3rd annual Fred's Cup
2010 Garlic Festival at Gilroy
2010 Asian Heritage Awards Gala
2010 July ATT National-Philadelphia
2010 SDSU CI Shanghai
2010 Rob Asia trip
2010 Chiawen's visit to San Diego
Zackary K. Claar
2010 Valentine's Day dinner
2010 Zackary's 1st birthday
my MPG1.0 我的第一部 TOYOTA
2010 NYE Party
2009 Taiwan visit
Skydiving in San Diego
Gena&Mike's wedding
Janet's Babyshower
Beijing training
09 SD Pride Parade
The 2nd Fred Cup
baseball night out
2009 Yancheng
Annie's B-day
Elissa's Baby Shower
Pizza making
Equal right march
Vience and Rich's Wedding
Taiwan visit
NYC- Finding Chien Ming Wang
the 1st Fred Cup
Rob's 26th Birthday/Ann's visit
b-day 10/13/2007
2007 Commencement