AldreyPhotography: I'm proud of myself
AldreyPhotography: Montañera de Corazón.
AldreyPhotography: Middle East in Santiago
AldreyPhotography: Indigena de Cusco
AldreyPhotography: my most famous and iconic shot
AldreyPhotography: Black and White - Marinda Svidén
AldreyPhotography: Mercado Central La Vega
AldreyPhotography: Mercado Central La Vega
AldreyPhotography: Mercado Central La Vega
AldreyPhotography: Mercado Central La Vega
AldreyPhotography: Mercado Central La Vega
AldreyPhotography: Mercado Central La Vega
AldreyPhotography: Mercado Central La Vega
AldreyPhotography: Paris from Centre Georges Pompidou
AldreyPhotography: Humedad con sal.
AldreyPhotography: Mi ventana.
AldreyPhotography: Cocinando para los santos
AldreyPhotography: Domingo por la mañana.
AldreyPhotography: Aquellos tiempos.
AldreyPhotography: Cuadrando la movida.
AldreyPhotography: Las ofrendas.
AldreyPhotography: Buenos dias señora.
AldreyPhotography: Mira como va.