Rudi1976: Nuremberg.
Guy Schmickle: Electric!
- Etude -: Lago D'Antorno
Albert Wirtz @ Landscape and Nature Photography: *Agía Theosképasti in the light of the setting sun*
Titole: La foule **--- --°
Jonnie Lynn Lace: Cimitero della Collina
Albert Wirtz @ Landscape and Nature Photography: *Old Man of Storr from a distance*
albert dros: Aurora Windmills
jarnasen: S L O W E D
Rudi1976: Nashville.
- Etude -: Alpe di Siusi
NUNZG: Lake side
images@twiston: Talisker gold
Anthony White: Cromer Pier - Rain
Rudi1976: Cincinnati.
MGness / Behind the curtain's mystic fold The glowing future lies unrolled.
shaunyoung365: Woodland Mist Pano
karindebruin: Silent Day!
Titole: Diagonale printanière **
images@twiston: Blue hour at Crail Peu s'en faut Mauvaises nouvelles des étoiles
Kirk Lougheed: Moenkopi Hill
reinaroundtheglobe: Jetty | Deventer
Klaus Kehrls: One Hamburg 28032302