jtdarby: Sam dancing
jtdarby: Lauren - Halloween 2012
jtdarby: A picture of Spencer without the redeye. :-)
jtdarby: 1st grade!
jtdarby: Nice weather we're having
jtdarby: My boy=mad style
jtdarby: Dino
jtdarby: The Arch
jtdarby: And to think, SOME people drive to BFE, Indiana to go to a water park!
jtdarby: I think she's ready to audition at Foster Music Camp!
jtdarby: View from my office
jtdarby: Happy boy!
jtdarby: Kindergarten graduate!
jtdarby: Now this is a marshmallow!
jtdarby: Cranberry orange poppyseed cookies
jtdarby: Soccer team celebration at Gatti's
jtdarby: Sam, surrounded by the ladies
jtdarby: Sam's student of the month award
jtdarby: Lauren's DARE graduation
jtdarby: Sometimes, when I have a day all to myself, I get crafty.
jtdarby: French Broad Chocolates. Raspberry, salted honey caramel, and balsamic strawberry. Yummy.
jtdarby: Math that The Boy did "for fun". Nerd. Brings a tear to my eye, it does!
jtdarby: Self portrait. With the glasses and the pretty hazel eyes and the blond hair and the missing baby teeth . . .
jtdarby: The marbled Easter eggs turned out cute! Thanks, Pinterest.
jtdarby: My boy tells me he has "mad style". LOL!!!
jtdarby: Peanut butter cake with peanut butter buttercream frosting
jtdarby: Lauren made a creamy tomato soup for lunch. Yummmmmm.