just sof: One Tip Apiece
just sof: fire
just sof: mmm fire
just sof: left to right fire
just sof: up fire
just sof: Turkey vultures
just sof: Kids returning from the dunes
just sof: mushy sand
just sof: Sandy Sisters
just sof: Kamaria
just sof: Harmony
just sof: sisters at the seashore
just sof: These always look like mini castles to me.
just sof: birdhouette
just sof: Black bird
just sof: the seawall
just sof: gull
just sof: Gully McGullerson
just sof: I always like lichen
just sof: Lichen with sky
just sof: Barnacletown siesta
just sof: tide in
just sof: solo gull
just sof: flock flying
just sof: flock flocking
just sof: flock flocking
just sof: flock flying by