just sof: built
just sof: End of day FUTAB.
just sof: Bay Bridge be trippin'
just sof: lovely night for a pillow fight
just sof: hvdaycitay
just sof: commute
just sof: now to count them
just sof: IDKWTF is going on, but this is the first of two flocks of turkeys I've run in to in Albany today.
just sof: nice to be on top this morning
just sof: yeah, I gotta get that quake kit together. on the earthquake memory wall.
just sof: It's a Big ol' Dirty World. Or, I Think We're Gonna Need a Bigger Roomba.
just sof: trees
just sof: I think mushrooms are aliens.
just sof: upload
just sof: ornate leaf
just sof: upload
just sof: love these
just sof: fierceness
just sof: kj sidesaddle
just sof: j bird
just sof: upload
just sof: carousel
just sof: my steed
just sof: upload
just sof: My favorite euphemism for "righteous indignation."
just sof: Rain Crystal with Pole
just sof: Kamaria and her cocoa.
just sof: Harmony hot chocolate.
just sof: Library legit.