J.P.Robertson: Valley of Fire.
J.P.Robertson: Every new beginning has an awkward first step.
J.P.Robertson: With reckless disregard, you impose yourself into this situation.
J.P.Robertson: Here's some money, go buy yourself something nice.
J.P.Robertson: To die a thousand deaths in pursuit of that perfect moment.
J.P.Robertson: Don't know where to head from here.
J.P.Robertson: Deal with the hand you've been dealt.
J.P.Robertson: Sunshine, rainbows, and lollipops.
J.P.Robertson: Faded memories pre-empt the coming tide.
J.P.Robertson: A little bit of sunshine to brighten your day.
J.P.Robertson: Allow yourself to move about like the summer grass, standing firm, but always going with the flow.
J.P.Robertson: There must be a way out of here...
J.P.Robertson: I wonder if my reflection feels the same way I do?
J.P.Robertson: Misaligned Values.
J.P.Robertson: Want to know what I think? I don't.
J.P.Robertson: Impossible conditions make for the best results.
J.P.Robertson: Improperly exposed; I guess your imagination will have to fill in the rest.
J.P.Robertson: Your entire existance is but the tiniest of blips on an infinitely large radar.
J.P.Robertson: The un-nameable photo.
J.P.Robertson: You ought not to waste your time; you never know when you'll be out of it.
J.P.Robertson: Stalking the sun.
J.P.Robertson: The sun goes down on the day, only so it can rise for the next.
J.P.Robertson: It ultimately doesn't matter where you are; just make sure you take the time to enjoy it.
J.P.Robertson: If ever there was a day to change your mind... this would be it.
J.P.Robertson: |/.x...\.|
J.P.Robertson: One is the scariest number.
J.P.Robertson: Focus close and miss the wonder of the it all.
J.P.Robertson: The Watcher.
J.P.Robertson: Turn your world upside-down to see the new perspective.
J.P.Robertson: You are where you are; and where you are is where you should be.