J.P.Robertson: One year on
J.P.Robertson: Remain Steadfast.
J.P.Robertson: The last day
J.P.Robertson: Discipline trumps Motivaiton.
J.P.Robertson: Let me add a little light your day.
J.P.Robertson: Your dreams of freedom, are just another form of slavery
J.P.Robertson: The Long Road (to somewhere else)
J.P.Robertson: Morning Jetty
J.P.Robertson: ...in the shadow of a dormant monster.
J.P.Robertson: At the foothills.
J.P.Robertson: Come to Candy Mountain.
J.P.Robertson: There is always time for introspective reflection...LARGE
J.P.Robertson: (Sky) Fire & Ice.
J.P.Robertson: Magnificence is the direct product of time
J.P.Robertson: Only what remains behind can tell the whole story.
J.P.Robertson: Be careful, little child, for the end of day(s) is at hand.
J.P.Robertson: When the dawn breaks, only the cowardly are left standing.
J.P.Robertson: It's the indeterminable quantity of hope that will make your dream a reality.
J.P.Robertson: The thing we need to free ourselves, is the very thing that put us here in the first place.
J.P.Robertson: One last glimmer of a fading hope.
J.P.Robertson: You're not the centre of the universe.
J.P.Robertson: A Long and Lonely road, ready to trap the unwary and unprepared...
J.P.Robertson: Ghosts always rear their heads at the least opportune moment.
J.P.Robertson: Hindesight and experience are the best teachers.
J.P.Robertson: Like it or lump it, this is what nature has given you.
J.P.Robertson: There comes a point where you must stop "wishing" things were different, and simply do things differently.
J.P.Robertson: Be the change you want to see.
J.P.Robertson: Not even for all the gold in all the storehouses in all the world, would I trade the time I've spent with you.
J.P.Robertson: Yet another day in paradise.
J.P.Robertson: The Party Lens.