J.P.Robertson: Here's some money, go buy yourself something nice.
J.P.Robertson: Fly by the seat of your pants and hope that where you land is somewhere you can stay.
J.P.Robertson: Don't know where to head from here.
J.P.Robertson: Postcards from tomorrow.
J.P.Robertson: Deal with the hand you've been dealt.
J.P.Robertson: Why is hindesight clearer than foresight?
J.P.Robertson: Hook, Line and Sinker...
J.P.Robertson: I wonder if my reflection feels the same way I do?
J.P.Robertson: Focus close and miss the wonder of the it all.
J.P.Robertson: Turn your world upside-down to see the new perspective.
J.P.Robertson: The Watcher.
J.P.Robertson: Shhhh... stay quiet, sit still and simply, be.
J.P.Robertson: Life be simple; Life be sweet.
J.P.Robertson: Try all you want, you'll never be perfect.
J.P.Robertson: We are born with nothing but dreams.
J.P.Robertson: Life on the home ground is always a welcome change
J.P.Robertson: I went walking one morning to find what I had lost, instead I found a bridge.
J.P.Robertson: Sunset Simplified
J.P.Robertson: Sunset Dreams
J.P.Robertson: so the sky said, 'reflect me'
J.P.Robertson: reflections of tomorrow
J.P.Robertson: A prayer I submit for the friends and family of those in need.
J.P.Robertson: You continue to amaze me.
J.P.Robertson: Dear time, please don't pass me by.
J.P.Robertson: The day is ugly, as is the night; it's the transition between the two where the beauty shines through.
J.P.Robertson: It only takes but a few moments for everything to change.
J.P.Robertson: Experience is the filter through which we view life.
J.P.Robertson: Juxtaposition.
J.P.Robertson: The 11th Rorschach Test Card.