J.P.Robertson: Day into Night; thus the World Turns.
J.P.Robertson: An infinite speck in the cosmic plan
J.P.Robertson: Electricity; Faith and Form of the modern generation
J.P.Robertson: Centre of my universe
J.P.Robertson: Spin Spin | Round Round
J.P.Robertson: The only thing you truly have is time. Use it wisely.
J.P.Robertson: The purpose is to help your fellow man, go through thick and thin together, and out the otherside emerge victorious.
J.P.Robertson: Try all you want, you'll never be perfect.
J.P.Robertson: Space and time matter not, only your perception of them.
J.P.Robertson: Spin me right round.
J.P.Robertson: Meaningless Eccentricities.
J.P.Robertson: There's only one road, and it only leads to one place.
J.P.Robertson: Get out of my head and into reality.
J.P.Robertson: There is no originality anymore; all you can do is define your particular style.
J.P.Robertson: There can be no good without evil.
J.P.Robertson: "It is I who made the earth and created mankind upon it. My own hands stretched out the heavens; I marshaled their starry hosts."
J.P.Robertson: The plans of men are but nothing against the forces of nature.
J.P.Robertson: You're not the centre of the universe.
J.P.Robertson: (Sky) Fire & Ice.