J.P.Robertson: Diatribe for the thoughful
J.P.Robertson: When the night is through, it shall stand there, silently awaiting the next
J.P.Robertson: Even the tiniest glint can brighten your day
J.P.Robertson: Big problems seem even bigger in a small world
J.P.Robertson: The graveyard called, they seem to be missing a skeleton.
J.P.Robertson: Totally worth it
J.P.Robertson: Cruise the river with your eyes, because you're too poor.
J.P.Robertson: What is, once was not.
J.P.Robertson: Heaven Strikes Back
J.P.Robertson: They shall grow not old.
J.P.Robertson: It's a Bokeh Nation.
J.P.Robertson: Dani - Lighting Setup
J.P.Robertson: Sometimes, Somethings are better left in the background
J.P.Robertson: Matt was amazed, "So this is where burgers come from?"
J.P.Robertson: When the night becomes day, I'll still be here.
J.P.Robertson: The shell played no part in the days activites, except occupying the time of a single photographer for a minute or so
J.P.Robertson: Check, Gravity still works
J.P.Robertson: Does anyone know of an exceptionally talented mechanic? I think my car might need a bit of work...
J.P.Robertson: Deep within the dark recess of our humanity, we find what is both our greatest strength, and our greatest weakness.
J.P.Robertson: The first day of the rest of your life
J.P.Robertson: Centre of my universe
J.P.Robertson: Juxtaposition
J.P.Robertson: Work, work, work; Play
J.P.Robertson: Life doesn't wait around for your consent
J.P.Robertson: Heavy, the day weighs over your head
J.P.Robertson: Not what you expect, but worth it all the same.
J.P.Robertson: Not long now, till the day is upon us in full force
J.P.Robertson: To what do we owe the simple pleasure of the day?
J.P.Robertson: When in doubt, look up.