jremsikjr: #dogporn Jäger's daycare class lounged in the sun all-day. This is the result.
jremsikjr: Red-tailed Boa #lessconf
jremsikjr: Animal handler with a FL native crocodile ...
jremsikjr: It begins. #lessconf
jremsikjr: I can't believe we the whole thing. w/@voxdolo
jremsikjr: Co-working and seeing what #SWMadison built.
jremsikjr: Thank you Easter burrito!
jremsikjr: One step closer ...
jremsikjr: You have entered a snow cave.
jremsikjr: A quick pint before dinner.
jremsikjr: I'll say. #happiness
jremsikjr: They'll sell anything these days.
jremsikjr: Laphroaig 12 yr & tacos
jremsikjr: Jäger says it's potty time. NOW MISTER!
jremsikjr: Current status:
jremsikjr: Current non status: NOM
jremsikjr: Arrested Development at @uxmad. +@anotheruiguy @bradorego
jremsikjr: "It's not working"
jremsikjr: Thanks @bluebox for the holiday goodies!
jremsikjr: 2013: Year of the neon Bendy.
jremsikjr: A long day with cousins and Grandma have left this guy all tuckered out.
jremsikjr: You might be visiting a @bendyworks if ...
jremsikjr: Someone subscribed @bendyworks to Cat Fancy!
jremsikjr: A dog's life.
jremsikjr: Due back.
jremsikjr: The Mission is like a piñata filled with burritos and crazy people.
jremsikjr: Diner coffee art.
jremsikjr: Well, it's a start.
jremsikjr: Election results and sausage with @patmaddox.
jremsikjr: What the? I don't even ...