Justin Benzel: Fire Fight Over Logan
Justin Benzel: The Goons Have Arrived
Justin Benzel: Big Brain Comes Bearing Gifts
Justin Benzel: Moray's Holo-Player
Justin Benzel: A New Reality
Justin Benzel: Poker Night in Monstertown
Justin Benzel: The Blue-Collar Bot Uprising
Justin Benzel: "A bank robber eludes Detective Philip Chambers by using Moray's Leap Frogs."
Justin Benzel: "Jack tests the new Moray Holo-Player with some of his own recordings."
Justin Benzel: "Hell of a Kick."
Justin Benzel: "Bill and Betty continue their experiments on Beth, their newest test subject."
Justin Benzel: "A Monstertown resident enjoys a glass of wine with her dinner."
Justin Benzel: "While attempting to rob Moray manufacturing, Tony Winters is apprehended."
Justin Benzel: "Philip uses his Moray's Knuckle-Sandwich against BC-Bot thugs."
Justin Benzel: "Due to Charles' influence, Lewis has difficulty finding friends amongst the Earthlings he so admires."
Justin Benzel: "Peter Muller, now answering to 'Petey', is arrested following the robbery of a Moray outlet store."
Justin Benzel: "Bill puts a bounty on Philip's head for his continued interference."
Justin Benzel: "Bill is tricked into getting paint on his hands, exposing his invisibility to Cora."
Justin Benzel: "Eddie contemplates an alternative to reconciliation.”
Justin Benzel: "Beth becomes one of Bill’s many test subjects."
Justin Benzel: "Due to a defective Moray Insta-Toaster, Detective Andy Bonheur finds himself with two right hands."
Justin Benzel: "Bill demonstrates some possible drawbacks of Wormhole Train Transfers."
Justin Benzel: "100% of cyborg super-soldiers prefer Solar Cigarettes."
Justin Benzel: "The MBN (Moray Broadcasting Network) goes on the air briefly, but due to unexpected side-effects, all programming is abruptly canceled."