otisourcat: Life Follows Art - Romy, cake painting
candyruth: 1956 mowing - Dalton, Ohio
candyruth: A day at the beach...
CR Shaw: Details
CR Shaw: Balance
CR Shaw: Take Off
duncan cumming: New Forest
Frank Hellmiß2010: St.-Hedwigs-Kathedrale
Grudnick: DSC_5797
Martin Tidbury: Meltham Vineyard
Paul Comstock: Untitled
De Mi Ser: Beauty...behind the camera
Doctor Dearborn: Panasonic Pencil Sharpener, circa 1975
ulrichguenther: abandoned
LadyPilgrim: Rusticity
BillsExplorations: your presence still lingers here....
andrzejskałuba: Wiosenny widok.
Alain Photos....: small Ardèche house / petite maison ardéchoise
jamesrseelen8: LENA'S CAFE-Tucumcari, NM.
ICM's & Polaroids & More: YASHI_2024_0007
Flapweb: Chicago
marvinben663: A jumping bearded tit
Official$uchainzTV: In the Shadows of Containerization
soupie1441: Snow Day
Jason Doss: Looking Up
Mrs.WQ: Pennsylvania
photofotografie: Die Farben des Herbstes, der bis zum nächsten Jahr vergangen ist 🍁
Jeffrey Balfus (thx 19M views): Are these the Blue Angels?