joshdamon: rrrus and Murph
joshdamon: Cheeks and Pickles
joshdamon: Sea of People
joshdamon: Happy BoC!
joshdamon: Pootie and Lucky Leonard
joshdamon: Looking up at the patio
joshdamon: Golden Arse
joshdamon: Cleanest spot on the ground at BoC
joshdamon: Sunshine and Jimmy
joshdamon: shOOey
joshdamon: Shiss gets a mouthful
joshdamon: Steve-kosh!
joshdamon: 8ball and Brad Robinson
joshdamon: Brad and Shooey
joshdamon: Happy Pootie
joshdamon: One of these kids had less sleep then the others... Guess which one...
joshdamon: Margaret and Cotter
joshdamon: Two geezers at a party
joshdamon: These guys make me look good
joshdamon: Felix, Loinquest, and Cotter
joshdamon: Hudzo and Tamo!
joshdamon: Trav played his first BoC
joshdamon: Ernie lost his marbles
joshdamon: Brad and Kit
joshdamon: Me, Justin, Rebecca (right?), and Kirk
joshdamon: Wise words in a port-a-pottie
joshdamon: Neal and Kirk
joshdamon: Engaged
joshdamon: Squeeze!
joshdamon: Jess & PK