joshdamon: Moar Gorillaz
joshdamon: Borrowing a subject matter tip from @lacroixdesign, here's @elysianbrewing Star Dust IPA
joshdamon: Art Car
joshdamon: upload
joshdamon: Some projects are harder than others.
joshdamon: What really matters right now is this.
joshdamon: "Let's try again. Stand here in front of the cherry blossoms and make a nice face for the picture."
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joshdamon: upload
joshdamon: upload
joshdamon: Holi is his new favorite holiday.
joshdamon: upload
joshdamon: Funny how seeing a name on the side of your plane can make you feel better about boarding for a 10+ hr flight.
joshdamon: Passing over ice on the flight home
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joshdamon: And then I stumbled into an event featuring @WarrenEllis (25 years of Image Comics).
joshdamon: Second round of Bao bao.
joshdamon: Good news: finally over the jetlag Bad news: have to get over jetlag again tomorrow when I go home. Better news: going home tomorrow.
joshdamon: 👍
joshdamon: Pub named after the man who mapped the cholera outbreak and then became Lord Commander of the Night's Watch.
joshdamon: Full moon over the House of Ho
joshdamon: Going on an adventure (aka killing time before turkey)
joshdamon: Pre-Thanksgiving cider and skeeball
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joshdamon: Daddy! And then this face pops up.
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joshdamon: Three feet from the jaws of grizzlies
joshdamon: This girl and all the others deserve so much better. I hope I can help.
joshdamon: Fools
joshdamon: Found something special while going through my old 45s