Avard Woolaver: Bedford, NS
rtuschman: Green Bedroom #2 (4 AM)
The Library of Congress: [Captain Daniel Turrentine of Company G, 12th Arkansas Infantry Regiment, in full officers' uniform with musket] (LOC)
The Library of Congress: [Private Reggie T. Wingfield and Private Hamden T. Flay in Confederate uniforms] (LOC)
The Library of Congress: [Unidentified Virginia Military Institute cadet in uniform] (LOC)
The Library of Congress: [Private William Savage Moore of Richmond "Parker" Virginia Light Artillery Battery, 1st Company Howitzers Virginia Light Artillery Battery, and I Company, 15th Virginia Infantry Regiment and his brother in early Richmond depot shell jackets] (LOC)
The Library of Congress: [Unidentified soldier in Confederate private's uniform with cased photograph] (LOC)
alexandermiranda: Jesus and Me
alexandermiranda: Cool Sweater
alexandermiranda: Grandmas Old House
alexandermiranda: Me at Calanderson Park
Rakka: sw135
phonojenny: Diary pages
kittyireland: the conversation
kittyireland: Joe is gay.
unagidana: IMG_0652
bluefood: glistening
bluefood: polka
bluefood: emergency
mrpepequick: Beach 5
Nepheli: bruxells
the last passenger pigeon: Noah Britton at P.A.'s Lounge, Somerville.
leff: dark ferry
kittyireland: primary
kittyireland: allentown