Joseph P. Traina: Virgin of the Birds @ Sunset (Ball of Wax 13)
Joseph P. Traina: Virgin of the Birds w/ Eric from Secret Highways @ Sunset (Ball of Wax 13)
Joseph P. Traina: Bret Phillips @ Sunset (Ball of Wax 13)
Joseph P. Traina: ST Rainbow @ Sunset (Ball of Wax 13)
Joseph P. Traina: ST Rainbow @ Sunset (Ball of Wax 13)
Joseph P. Traina: Olie Eshleman @ Sunset (Ball of Wax 13)
Joseph P. Traina: Olie Eshleman @ Sunset (Ball of Wax 13)
Joseph P. Traina: Levi Fuller @ Sunset (Ball of Wax 13)
Joseph P. Traina: Beast, Please Be Still
Joseph P. Traina: Luna Moth
Joseph P. Traina: The Luna Moth
Joseph P. Traina: Webelos (Josh)
Joseph P. Traina: Corespondents
Joseph P. Traina: Corespondents
Joseph P. Traina: Corespondents
Joseph P. Traina: Amber & Garrett
Joseph P. Traina: Mike Dumovich
Joseph P. Traina: IMG_6757.JPG
Joseph P. Traina: Sweet Potatoes
Joseph P. Traina: Sweet Potatoes
Joseph P. Traina: Diminished Men w/Shana [Singing a Brad Dunn song]
Joseph P. Traina: Diminished Men @ Sunset [BoW v.10]
Joseph P. Traina: MiniVan @ Sunset [BoW v.10]
Joseph P. Traina: Webelos @ Sunset [BoW v.10]
Joseph P. Traina: Webelos @ Sunset [BoW v.10]