Vladimir Vulf: DSC01134
Vladimir Vulf: DSC01253
Sergio Bitran M: Cotorra de Kramer. Psittacula krameri.
Ana Mendes do Carmo: Gato-montês / Felis silvestris
davie ch: DSC_0417-Edit-Edit
Juan Antonio Pulido Angel: Carraca europea
der_birder: Neuntöter ( Lanius collurio )
NicoleW0000: Barred Owlet
AndreaMSmithPortugal: budding beauty
[JBR]: ... font de Thym ! :p
Amy Hudechek Photography: Plain Chachalaca
Ken Krach Photography: Wyoming Beauty
strjustin: Huntley Pileated 6-17-24
Hari K Patibanda: A Spotted Owlet in flight on the roadside
Eric Gofreed: Black-crowned night heron-00180
John N Hoang: 02Z or Twozee
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Collared Pratincole (URN: 2442)
Obsies: Z91_5667-©MC
Sergio Bitran M: Rufous-gaped Hillstar. Colibrí Naguiblanco. Colibrí de Bouguer. Urochroa bougueri.
lifewild2010 (Patrick A. Martin): New Spring Morning 15
WildImages: Calling White-tailed Prairie Dog CSR77451
Gary McHale: White Ibis
Warrener: Mute Swans - Cygnus olor
Lagier01: Grullas coronada gris en vuelo.
Ken Krach Photography: San Francisco Sunset
Philip Schofield: DSC_8288 Damselfly with prey
"HOWARD BRODSKY": Northern Quebec in 2017
Geoff Newhouse Photography: May 26, 2024.jpg
richard_morel: Tyran quiquivi / Great Kiskadee