JoseDLA: Ewa in a Corn Field
JoseDLA: I've been sitting on posting this for a few hours since my sister posted something. Just to clarify this is not for attention or to copy her but I feel like in the moment I should say my piece. I hate making myself vulnerable and opening up myself to the
JoseDLA: Kat Pasion
JoseDLA: blake
JoseDLA: pasadena building
JoseDLA: junito swing
JoseDLA: Wide Street Jicome
JoseDLA: Penuela
JoseDLA: Banca Beco
JoseDLA: Pops
JoseDLA: Looking out
JoseDLA: Junito on Base
JoseDLA: Junito Good Morning
JoseDLA: pas brick building
JoseDLA: Nick at Bow & Truss
JoseDLA: Pops
JoseDLA: Priscilla
JoseDLA: Roque
JoseDLA: Downtown Warehouse Studio
JoseDLA: Marcus "MKutta" Small
JoseDLA: Joe Spencer in LA
JoseDLA: Bree Modeling 1
JoseDLA: Shea craziness
JoseDLA: Lissa in the kitchen
JoseDLA: Kayla Swaggin it
JoseDLA: Jose the American
JoseDLA: Lucy Munger
JoseDLA: Dante playing the piano
JoseDLA: Lindsey and Joel