Doyle Wesley Walls: Amanda and I Give a Nod to the Tradition of the Pinup
mazgrp: Bw-1
amarinoliver: SanXenxo, Vista desde la Playa de la Panadera
Ralph Smyth: The Bubble Nebula NGC7635 (Explored)
nilgunkara: eternal love
Robin Tremblay: Brand new day
linus_lohoff: fortuity?
BdRlgn101: jock_sturges_03
Lou O' Bedlam: Prepared for Rain on a Sunny Day
Pedro Spagnol -:
alan shapiro photography: Another day, another deep sea diver turned watercolor painter
Kelvin Okafor: I'm a Fan
risquillo: Maratonista
abschied: Benedetta 03 (Olympus OM2 Polaroid HD3 100-bw)