Jorges Pics: Our Guests Were Happy
Jorges Pics: Blake a Hero to be (the next day)
Jorges Pics: The Man
Jorges Pics: Kenny, AFTER the HR
Jorges Pics: Kenny, During the HR
Jorges Pics: Before the HR
Jorges Pics: Unintentional Bunt
Jorges Pics: High Speed Digital
Jorges Pics: Digging In
Jorges Pics: Measuring Up
Jorges Pics: Ready to Fire
Jorges Pics: Manny, Check this out, on the next play I'm gonna boot an easy double play and fall on my butt
Jorges Pics: Manny Being Manny
Jorges Pics: I love the Indians, but Manny is a Great Hitter
Jorges Pics: Glaring Down the Line
Jorges Pics: Pronk Talking to His Bat
Jorges Pics: More Dice
Jorges Pics: Nice Form
Jorges Pics: Grady!
Jorges Pics: Rearing Back
Jorges Pics: Manny Praying to the Hitting Gods
Jorges Pics: Big Pappy
Jorges Pics: Jake - Dialed In
Jorges Pics: Yuk is Ugly
Jorges Pics: Warming Up
Jorges Pics: The Judges
Jorges Pics: Slide This
Jorges Pics: I Liked Fat Al, Better