Jorges Pics: A Huge Crowd - Estimated Over 200,000
Jorges Pics: Another Sample of Diversity in the Crowd
Jorges Pics: The Crowd BEHIND us, stretching to the Washingotn Monument
Jorges Pics: Awesome Abe
Jorges Pics: All Ages, Shapes and Sizes
Jorges Pics: Sun, Breeze, Flags at the Washington Monument
Jorges Pics: Lovely Day at the Lincoln Monument
Jorges Pics: Sight Seeing with my Best Friend
Jorges Pics: Postcard Views
Jorges Pics: Sad but True !
Jorges Pics: Our New Home State at the WWII Memorial
Jorges Pics: Yes, The Trains Were Packed
Jorges Pics: Land of Cotton
Jorges Pics: Railroad Heading North West out of Darlington
Jorges Pics: Railroad B&W
Jorges Pics: Land of Cotton
Jorges Pics: Acorn Delight
Jorges Pics: Fall Splash
Jorges Pics: Fall Reflections
Jorges Pics: A Happy Couple Amongst the Fall Colors
Jorges Pics: Multiple Lightning in B&W
Jorges Pics: Looking South From Our Hotel on North Myrtle
Jorges Pics: Lightning Off of Myrtle Beach
Jorges Pics: Mummified Skink
Jorges Pics: Hoping to Become Part of a Pecan Pie One Day
Jorges Pics: Flowery
Jorges Pics: My Girl Daisy
Jorges Pics: Black Eyed Susan-Poppy Thing
Jorges Pics: My True Love
Jorges Pics: Flat Swamp Effect