SRHart (84): Light Streaming Through a Doorway at Montjuïc Castle - Barcelona, Spain Crise
Dont´comment the same photo: Praça de Espanha - Sevilha
immobileantonio: DSC_0702
Miguel Rabal: caminos diferentes......
Miguel Rabal: nos echaron del tablero........
Miguel Rabal: silueta y su sombra.....
Miguel Rabal: cuando las sombras toman protagonismo....
*takeshi*: untitled
stephen-yang: 濃霧
Zimthiger: Untitled
Zimthiger: propeller head
zurrulab: Siesta
Dont´comment the same photo: Vila Nova da Barquinha
Dont´comment the same photo: Claustro em oração - Batalha - Portugal
tokyololas: Tokyo Snow
Dont´comment the same photo: Carrasqueira - Portugal
Brian Smithson (Old Geordie): All the fun of the fair
Michael.Sutton: Day 60/366 (explored)