Elliot Tupac: ELLIOT TUPAC, Mural Tipográfico.
Elliot Tupac: MUSEU AFROBRASIL, Sao Paulo
Linnea Strid: The night and the rain
Linnea Strid: Measurement
Linnea Strid: Let it flow
SarahMick: Weekly Illustration: "Dust"
FLYD.COM.AR: Fly en Puro Diseño 2010
mundo visual guacala: DULCE-QUICATA
#sergeyvlasov: Escape from Japan
Der Papitem: Letraset.
Der Papitem: Letraset
frinchagirl: cronograma - lado a
:: mq ::: san_martin5
- vanth -: Sympathy for the Devil
James Whíte: Smashing 2nd Anniversary poster
James Whíte: Liquid Gold 77
James Whíte: Curvature study 1
remedios_la_bella: POLLOS ( by camila bernal // remedios la bella )
Hache Holguín: Oscar Tulio Lizcano
maddesign: Infographic / education
maddesign: poster-anuario
petrmara: Monterey Aquarium, California - Highway one road trip
petrmara: Monterey Aquarium, California - Highway one road trip