Jordan Lewin: Bodhi in his jammies. And the tongue comes out at first blush.
Jordan Lewin: Atsa ma pops.
Jordan Lewin: Basking in the love.
Jordan Lewin: Getting sleepy.
Jordan Lewin: My bro likes his new boots. They're perfect for such things as snush.
Jordan Lewin: Atsa ma bro!
Jordan Lewin: He's a vewy smat man.
Jordan Lewin: Chauffeur
Jordan Lewin: Best Buds
Jordan Lewin: Old family friends.
Jordan Lewin: My family the percussionists.
Jordan Lewin: My bro likes to drum.
Jordan Lewin: Gedddit, Bodhi.
Jordan Lewin: My dad's a vewy good musician. He wikes to pway the fwute.
Jordan Lewin: Fuuuuuuudge.
Jordan Lewin: A whole pound of it.
Jordan Lewin: Jammin'.
Jordan Lewin: Bodhi decided christmas eve was the best time to start tearing into his present.
Jordan Lewin: Bodhi Bean
Jordan Lewin: Gedddddddit.
Jordan Lewin: Cute in boots.
Jordan Lewin: Big smile.
Jordan Lewin: We all went to Jean Pierre Bakery, in downtown Durango, after picking mom up from the airport.
Jordan Lewin: Jean Pierre Bakery
Jordan Lewin: Hanging pitcher, wooden beams.
Jordan Lewin: Playing with the depth of field on my new lens. Fun.
Jordan Lewin: Breakfast at Jean Pierre
Jordan Lewin: Us with all our syrup.
Jordan Lewin: Bodhi in a bonnet. The shit dogs put up with.