Jordan Lewin: 3C1B4604
Jordan Lewin: 3C1B4597
Jordan Lewin: 3C1B4591
Jordan Lewin: 3C1B4589
Jordan Lewin: 3C1B4587
Jordan Lewin: 3C1B4584
Jordan Lewin: 3C1B4582
Jordan Lewin: 3C1B4577
Jordan Lewin: 3C1B4576
Jordan Lewin: 3C1B4574
Jordan Lewin: 3C1B4566
Jordan Lewin: 3C1B4562
Jordan Lewin: 3C1B4554
Jordan Lewin: 3C1B4553
Jordan Lewin: 3C1B4545
Jordan Lewin: 3C1B4534
Jordan Lewin: Getting the sushi lodown at 1 or 8 Restaurant. Before my journey to the airport home.
Jordan Lewin: Gramercy Park.
Jordan Lewin: IMG_2625
Jordan Lewin: Madison Square Park.
Jordan Lewin: Shake Shack. In Madison Square Park.
Jordan Lewin: Art space.
Jordan Lewin: IMG_2611
Jordan Lewin: Flatiron.
Jordan Lewin: The Rooibos tea I brought home. Yummy.
Jordan Lewin: IMG_2604
Jordan Lewin: Tea merchant.
Jordan Lewin: Sunday market on Broadway.
Jordan Lewin: Gandhi.
Jordan Lewin: IMG_2594