Jordan Lewin: Our bed in the Victorian wing.
Jordan Lewin: On top of the world.
Jordan Lewin: Looking out.
Jordan Lewin: Wheat free, gluten free cookies by the gourmet baker Chris.
Jordan Lewin: Gourmet Chef Kate making breakfast crumble for tomorrow morning. So on it.
Jordan Lewin: Perfect perch spot. Tusker thinks so too.
Jordan Lewin: Oogling at the Eagle
Jordan Lewin: The stinkface. "Whatchu takin pictures of, huh?"
Jordan Lewin: Montague Harbour beach walk on a sunny day.
Jordan Lewin: Pebbly beach.
Jordan Lewin: Ferny tree.
Jordan Lewin: Exploring
Jordan Lewin: More exploration
Jordan Lewin: The adventure crew.
Jordan Lewin: White shell beaches!
Jordan Lewin: Photographing the foggy forest.
Jordan Lewin: So mystical.
Jordan Lewin: On the bluffs.
Jordan Lewin: We discovered a few shelters on the bluffs.
Jordan Lewin: Fog and trees.
Jordan Lewin: Deep in the fog.
Jordan Lewin: Tree tunnel.
Jordan Lewin: Tusker banking in a curve.
Jordan Lewin: Old tree
Jordan Lewin: Bearded branch.
Jordan Lewin: Watering hole under the bearded tree.
Jordan Lewin: Bearded tree.
Jordan Lewin: Branch with many beards.
Jordan Lewin: This would have been a very cool house. Wonder what happened to it.
Jordan Lewin: The crew and the Subaru.